Thursday, January 23, 2014

Secret Search Layout Feature in Salesforce1

If you open an object tab in Salesforce1, you'll probably see something very similar to the screenshot below. A search box. Available list views. Recent items with... a teaser field on each item?

S1 has an interesting feature that enables users to see one field on each recent item on an object tab's home page. This feature appears to be undocumented in either the first version of the Salesforce1 App Developer Guide, or the "Customizing Search Layouts" Help page.

To configure which field appears here, modify the Columns Displayed for the Search Results Search Layout on the object. This is counter-intuitive, because in the browser app the columns displayed for recent items is controlled through the {!ObjectLabel} Tab Search Layout.

Have you found any other hidden configuration options for S1? Please share them in the comments!

P.S. Thank you to Brian Casey for tipping me off to this interesting discovery!